MZK Wejherowo
Routes and


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Wejherowo Nadrzeczna 02

Stop: Wejherowo Nadrzeczna 02

Direction: Wejherowo Dworzec PKP 02

Timetable valid from: 2024.07.15

Departures on Monday to Fridays

05:56  06:10  06:25  06:40  06:55  07:09 
07:24  07:39  07:54  08:14  08:35  08:55 
09:15  09:35  09:55  10:15  10:35  10:55 
11:15  11:35  11:55  12:15  12:35  12:55 
13:15  13:35  13:55  14:10  14:25  14:40 
14:53  15:08  15:23  15:38  15:53  16:08 
16:23  16:38  16:53  17:10  17:25  17:45 
18:05  18:36  19:06  19:36  20:36  21:36 

Departures on Saturdays

05:36  06:36  07:36  08:35  09:25  09:45 
10:05  10:25  10:45  11:05  11:25  11:45 
12:05  12:25  12:45  13:05  13:25  13:45 
14:05  14:25  14:45  15:06  15:26  15:46 
16:06  16:26  16:46  17:06  17:36  18:36 
19:36  20:36  21:36 

Departures on Sundays and public holidays

05:36  06:36  07:36  08:36  09:36  10:06 
10:36  11:06  11:36  12:06  12:36  13:06 
13:36  14:06  14:36  15:06  15:36  16:06 
16:36  17:06  17:36  18:36  19:36  20:36 

Disruptions in traffic cause changes in departure times. // The route is served by low-floor buses.

Route: Wejherowo Szpital 02 - Szpitalna - Chopina - Partyzantów - Pomorska - Prusa - Rybacka - 12 Marca - Rzeźnicka - Świętego Jana - plac Piłsudskiego - Dworcowa - Sobieskiego - Mickiewicza - Reformatów - 12 Marca - Rybacka - Prusa - Pomorska - Partyzantów - Chopina - Szpitalna - Wejherowo Szpital 02

Stop: Wejherowo Nadrzeczna 02

Direction: Orle Łąkowa 02

Timetable valid from: 2024.10.16

Departures on school days

04:07  05:07  06:05  07:10 A 08:05 B 09:25 A
10:45 A 12:05 A 13:25 A 14:35 A 15:34 A 16:34 
17:34  18:25  19:15  20:15  21:16  22:21 

Departures on Monday to Fridays, non-school weekdays

04:07  05:07  06:05  07:10  08:05  09:25 
10:45  12:05  13:25  14:35  15:34  16:34 
17:34  18:25  19:15  20:15  21:16  22:21 

Departures on Saturdays

04:17  05:17  06:17  07:17  08:15  09:15 
09:55  10:35  11:15  11:55  12:35  13:15 
13:55  14:35  15:15  15:55  16:35  17:15 
18:15  19:15  20:15  21:16  22:21 

Departures on Sundays and public holidays

04:17  05:17  06:17  07:17  08:15  09:15 
10:15  11:15  12:15  13:15  14:15  15:15 
16:15  17:15  18:15  19:15  20:15  21:16 
kurs do: Orle Szkoła
kurs do: Orle Szkoła przez: Bolszewo Paradyż

Disruptions in traffic cause changes in departure times. // The route is served by low-floor buses.

Route: Wejherowo Szpital 02 - Szpitalna - Chopina - I Brygady Pancernej WP - Tartaczna - Przemysłowa - Szkolna - Główna - Zamostna - Długa - Wejhera - Orle Łąkowa 02

Stop: Wejherowo Nadrzeczna 02

Direction: Wejherowo Os. Fenikowskiego 01

Timetable valid from: 2024.10.16

Departures on school days

06:25  07:35  08:45  10:05  11:25  12:45 
14:00  14:55  15:50  16:50 

Departures on Monday to Fridays, non-school weekdays

07:35  08:45  10:05  11:25  12:45  14:00 
14:55  15:50  16:50 

Disruptions in traffic cause changes in departure times. // The route is served by low-floor buses.

Route: Wejherowo Szpital 02 - Szpitalna - Chopina - Partyzantów - Pomorska - Prusa - Necla - Gryfa Pomorskiego - Fenikowskiego - Wejherowo Os. Fenikowskiego 01

Stop: Wejherowo Nadrzeczna 02

Direction: Rumia C.H. „Port Rumia” 01

Timetable valid from: 2024.07.15

Departures on Monday to Fridays, during the school year

05:48 A 06:18  06:48 A 07:18 A 07:48  08:18 A
08:48  09:28 A 10:08  10:48 A 11:28  12:08 A
12:48  13:13 A 13:48  14:18 A 14:48  15:18 A
15:48  16:18 A 16:48  17:38 A 18:38  19:21 A

Departures on weekdays during summer school holidays

05:48 A 06:26 A 06:56  07:26 A 07:56  08:31 A
09:11  09:51  10:31  11:11  11:51  12:31 
13:06  13:36  14:06  14:36  15:06  15:36 A
16:06  16:38 A 17:38 A 18:38  19:21 A 20:21 

Departures on Saturdays

06:31  07:21 A 08:21 A 09:01  09:41 A 10:21 
11:01 A 11:41  12:21 A 13:01  13:41 A 14:21 
15:01 A 15:41  16:21 A 17:01  17:41 A 18:21 
19:21 A 20:21 

Departures on Sundays and public holidays

07:21 A 08:21  09:21 A 10:21  11:21 A 12:21 
13:21 A 14:21  15:21 A 16:21  17:21 A 18:21 
19:21 A 20:21 
kurs z podjazdem do Ciechocina

Disruptions in traffic cause changes in departure times. // The route is served by low-floor buses.

Route: Wejherowo Szpital 02 - Szpitalna - Chopina - I Brygady Pancernej WP - Gdańska - Orzeszkowej - Fenikowskiego - Orzeszkowej - Gdańska - Wejherowska - Gdańska - Młyńska - Morska - Kosynierów - Grunwaldzka - Rumia C.H. „Port Rumia” 01

Stop: Wejherowo Nadrzeczna 02

Direction: Gniewowo Spacerowa 01

Timetable valid from: 2024.10.16

Departures on school days

06:51  08:18  10:04  12:14  14:14  15:58 
17:28  18:58 

Departures on Monday to Fridays, non-school weekdays

06:51  08:18  10:04  12:14  14:14  15:58 
17:28  18:58 

Departures on Saturdays

07:20  09:20  11:20  13:20  15:20  17:20 

Departures on Sundays and public holidays

09:20  11:20  13:20  15:20  17:20 

Disruptions in traffic cause changes in departure times. // The route is served by low-floor buses.

Route: Wejherowo Krofeya 01 - Krofeya - Sucharskiego - Sobieskiego - Dworcowa - Graniczna - Lelewela - Nadrzeczna - Chopina - Partyzantów - Pomorska - Prusa - Rybacka - Myśliwska - Roszczynialskiego - Wejhera - Gniewowo Spacerowa 01

Stop: Wejherowo Nadrzeczna 02

Direction: Gowino Brzozowa 01

Timetable valid from: 2024.07.01

Departures on Monday to Fridays

05:26  06:34  07:07 A 08:07 A 09:14  10:04 
11:04  12:04  13:04  14:04  15:04  16:03 
17:13  18:34  19:54  21:15 

Departures on Saturdays

07:08  09:06  10:56  12:16  13:36  14:56 
16:16  17:36  18:56  20:56 B

Departures on Sundays and public holidays

09:26  10:56  12:26  13:56  15:26  16:56 
kurs przez os. Kaszubskie
kurs skrócony do: Wejherowo Broniewskiego - Dworzec PKP 01

Disruptions in traffic cause changes in departure times. // The route is served by low-floor buses.

Route: Kąpino Parkowa 01 - Parkowa - Wierzbowa - Chopina - I Brygady Pancernej WP - 10 Lutego - Sobieskiego - 3 Maja - Strzelecka - Wejherowska - Gowino Brzozowa 01

Stop: Wejherowo Nadrzeczna 02

Direction: Wejherowo Budowlanych 02

Timetable valid from: 2024.11.23

Departures on Monday to Fridays, during the school year

08:10  08:52  09:11 s 16:52  17:52  18:31 
19:25  19:35  20:19  21:19  22:17  22:29 

Departures on weekdays during summer school holidays

08:10  09:14  16:54  17:52  18:02  19:25 
20:19  21:19  22:17  22:29 

Departures on Saturdays

17:12  17:54  18:20  21:20  22:13  22:29 

Departures on Sundays and public holidays

17:45  21:19  22:20  22:29 
kurs wykonywany wyłącznie w dni nauki szkolnej

Disruptions in traffic cause changes in departure times. // The route is served by low-floor buses.

Route: Wejherowo Szpital 02 - Szpitalna - Chopina - I Brygady Pancernej WP - Tartaczna - Wejherowo Budowlanych 02